short cuts
In November 2020 the designer had the opportunity to rent a large space, part of Dutch artist Joep van Lieshout’s Studio. At his disposal he also had a large amount of wood to work with, which together with a limited time of two weeks, guided the designer to make as much as possible during this time.
Simple cuts, stacking and attaching cut-offs thereby became the formula to shape new forms, using only a chainsaw and a planer. Some shapes had already been thought of before the project’s start, while most shapes were worked out during the two weeks.
At large, the designer tends to be drawn to creating utilitarian products, while he truly enjoys experimenting with purely sculptural forms too. In this project Jonas decided not to discriminate between the free and the applied shapes in order to let the process be unconstrained.
A less anticipated but very rewarding outcome in this project was the intimacy felt with the wood when working with the larger segments as it poked more immediate and respectful considerations of the life of the individual tree, than when working with planks or sheets.
Short cuts is a collection of three dimensional sketches, mainly for Jonas’ own use, but also available for enquiries.